Italian electoral programs 2022: what role for Startups

The word "startup" appears in all the electoral programs, but wich party promises concrete initiatives?

Autore: Valerio Mariani

What role do startups play in the electoral programs of the parties that are running in the Sept. 25th Italian elections? Analyzing the individual documents we discover that the word "startup" appears in all, but the parties that spend more than one are not so many. Let's see in summary the concrete proposals.

In truth, the evolutionary path of the "startup" sector has already been traced for some time and is also confirmed by the PNRR ratified by the Draghi Government. On the one hand, however, the sector is called into question horizontally on the different Missions. Startups are good for us in "Digitization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism" but also in "Green Revolution..." or in the Mission dedicated to Infrastructures for sustainable mobility.

The impression is, in short, that in the PNRR startups are almost considered to be on par with of a wider range of companies to be relaunched with incentives and funding. But, it must be said that the "startup act" of ten years ago and other specific initiatives inaugurated over the last few years seem tacitly confirmed.

From Center-right party to Azione and Italia Viva: startup in the Party programs

The Center-right Party program introduces the term "startup", within the point dedicated to "youth, sport and social". Specifically, we talk about "support for youth entrepreneurship, incentives for the creation of technological startups and social value". It is not known what kind of support and incentives it is.

The Democratic Party's program not only promises greater attention to startups and youth entrepreneurship, but also speaks of 50% IRPEF deductions to all types of startups started by those under 35. In the chapter "knowing is power: culture and socialization", moreover, the Democratic Party addresses directly young journalists and digital information startups.

Even the 5S Movement speaks generically of "incentives for youth entrepreneurship and debureaucratization of startups" in addition to the intention to "invest in the Italian innovation ecosystem: startups and innovative companies, schools, universities, research centers, talents and investors".

Azione and Italia Viva-Calenda consider "necessary to present a specific project for youth entrepreneurship: forms of accompaniment to entrepreneurship, through incubation services, consulting, mentoring and coaching for young people, and accelerators to integrate the financial offer with new tools to support organizational innovation and the development of human capital". Also indicating where to recover the necessary funds.

Carlo Calenda also adds in the program: "We propose to completely eliminate the taxation of capital gain on investments in startups and venture capital and to increase the tax incentive for those who invest, to attract a greater share of investment by pension funds and insurance institutions in the real economy". In addition to a proposal to raise the tax credit rate to 50% for companies that make investments in innovation and a possible increase if university research centers, startups and innovative SMEs are involved in the projects. Furthermore, the commitment to the "world of cultural work" is limited with a policy of tax deduction for entrepreneurs under 40.

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