Insurtech: Targa Telematics buys Earnix’s spin off Drive-it

The operation gives birth to Targa Drive, a Usage-Based Insurance telematics solution integrating behavioral analysis of drivers through machine learning and Artificial Intelligence

Autore: e. b.

Targa Telematics, Italian tech company developing digital solutions in connected mobility, has acquired Drive-it, the Israel-based spin-off of Earnix headquartered in Haifa, boasting a solution capable of developing behavioral analysis of drivers, leveraging machine learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies.

The integration of this highly advanced solution into its portfolio and the Israeli technological development hub gives birth to Targa Drive, a UBI (Usage-Based Insurance) telematics solution entirely based on smartphones, combining an app capable of collecting a wide set of data related to specific driving situations, such as braking, acceleration, driver distractions, speed, or cornering. The solution also allows distinguishing car journeys from other modes of transportation, as well as the driver from the passenger.

The application enables the generation of predictive and personalized scores useful for insurance companies to define the risk level of their policyholders. It complements the range of products for the insurance world of Targa Telematics and Viasat, analyzing new sources of behavioral data, including driver distractions, one of the most frequent causes of accidents on the roads.

Nicola De Mattia, CEO of Targa Telematics

"We continue to invest in the integration of innovative companies that allow us to constantly raise the level of effectiveness of our solutions to design the mobility of the future. Thanks to the synergies resulting from the integration of the know-how and state-of-the-art technologies of Drive-it, Targa Telematics will further strengthen its leadership in the insurance market, offering its customers an increasingly comprehensive range of services and supporting them in personalizing and making their products profitable", commented Nicola De Mattia, CEO of Targa Telematics.

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