An Italian startup against tickets scalping

Meet Ticketoo, the right answer to digital scalping born in Rome in May 2022.

Autore: Valerio Mariani

Born in Rome in May 2022 thanks to Dock3 of the Roma Tre University, accelerated for six months by Digital magics and Lazio innova (which invested 100k euros in the company in a pre-seed round at the beginning of 2023, Ticketoo is a startup company founded by Andrea Giorgi, 23 years old, Simone Serani, 26 years old, and Paolo Biondo, 27 years old.

The team is based at the House of Emerging Technologies in Rome Tiburtina. “We want – Andrea explained – to be a fan-to-fan platform. The others on the team and I are passionate about music, we know the dynamics of these events and also the communities that are created on social networks. Those same communities that we have turned to, offering them a safe alternative”.

Ticketoo is a platform that allows you to sell and buy tickets, on the secondary market, at the same original ticket price. Ticketoo act as guarantors of the buying and selling of tickets for musical and sporting events between private individuals, thanks to a platform that wants to ensure the ethics, legality and transparency of the exchange.

Andrea reminds us that the 2016 law regulates secondary ticketing (and which tries to stem digital touting in every way) is clear: tickets can be resold, yes, but at their price lower than or equal to their face value.

“The technology we have developed allows you to map the prices of all tickets - says Andrea”. Thanks to this step, it ensures that there are only tickets with verified prices on the platform. “If you don’t offer it at a lower or equal price, you won’t sell the ticket on our platform”. So Ticketoo connects those who sell and those who buy tickets at the legal price.

Ticketoo doesn’t have percentage fees, the platform has foreseen a fixed fee for those who buy in three brackets: 4 euros for tickets up to 60 euros, 6 euros up to 150 euros and 8 euros for tickets over 150 euros, always.

After only one year of activity, with the app released just 30 days ago, the platform has 100,000 registered users, 250,000 users per month with interaction sessions on the site and 15,000 tickets sold. Right now Ticketoo is 2nd in the ranking of downloaded app after Tik Tok, with 30,000 downloads and a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars in the AppStore

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