Italy will host Huawei Seeds for the Future 2024

In 2024, the Huawei initiative for digital skills and literacy will be entirely in-person and will take place in Rome

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

The European finals of the 2023 edition of "Seeds for the Future" just had their last stage in Beijing: the Chinese capital hosted for a week a selected group of program participants, coming from 18 European countries. In the closing ceremony of the Huawei competition, organized by its European subsidiary, the students who participated in the training programs organized in their respective countries presented their collective achievements.

During their week in China, students were involved in breakout sessions on connectivity and innovation, with technology experts, and in panel discussions on key topics such as diversity and inclusion, green digital transition, and sustainability.

The closing ceremony underlined how international cooperation is the basis for a sustainable future for European talent. In February 2023, in this regard, Huawei became the first private company to join, as associate member, the UNESCO Global Alliance for Literacy. Thereby committing to improving the use of technology by teachers in developing countries.

Radoslaw Kedzia, Senior Vice President of Huawei Europe, announced Huawei's plans to accelerate its efforts in fostering digital talent. The next edition of Seeds for the Future will be entirely in-person and will take place in Rome, Italy, in July 2024.

This initiative, Huawei explains, will bring together students from all over Europe, fostering a vibrant ecosystem for collaborative learning and development of ideas for startups that put technology at the service of a more connected and sustainable world, through the global Tech4Good competition. "We officially invite students choosing STEM study paths to join this transformative experience and help shape the future of technology for the better," Kedzia said.

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