Italian carbon capture technology goes global

KBR will license Giammarco-Vetrocoke carbon capture technology for petrochemical and refining industries

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Carbon capture is considered one of the most promising solutions to reduce the environmental impact of many industrial processes, literally "capturing" their CO2 emissions. Many carbon capture - or DAC (Direct Air Capture) - plants have been built in the last few years, also to evaluate which specific caprure technology is most effective.

To grow faster, the DAC market needs efficient, and easy to implement, capture technologies. One of these technologies was developed by Giammarco-Vetrocoke, an Italian company based in Venice, and will soon be available globally thanks to a license and engineering agreement with KBR.

The American company explains that "by leveraging this solution across the breadth of our portfolio, we believe we can implement smart and efficient carbon capture solutions on both existing and new projects". Vetrocoke carbon capture technology is considered well proven, energy efficient, flexible and can be integrated across the value chain for blue ammonia, petrochemical, and refining industries.

"Expanding our working relationship with KBR will grow our footprint in industries globally" said Luigi Tomasi, General Manager, Giammarco-Vetrocoke. The Italian company is a world-renowned licensor for CO2 capture processes based on activated Hot Potassium Carbonate (HPC) solution. Throughout its 70 years of activity, it has developed 15 main patents extended worldwide and licensed to almost 400 industrial applications.

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