Bending Spoons adds Evernote to its suite of consumer apps

The tech company based in Milan, Italy will combine its vast coverage of half a billion app downloads with Evernote’s existing global user base

Autore: Edoardo Bellocchi

Bending Spoons, the tech company based in Milan, Italy, has reached a definitive agreement to acquire Evernote, the renowned personal productivity app.

Evernote, a household name and a strong business, boasts approximately $100 million in recurring revenue, millions of paying customers, and almost 11 billion notes created with its cross-platform apps.

Bending Spoons, with its platform-based approach to innovation, develops proprietary technologies that have ensured its mobile products are among the most successful in the world in numerous competitive app store categories. Now, Bending Spoons intends to apply these platform technologies to the Evernote product to augment its usefulness and strengthen its reach, says a note.

Our mission at Bending Spoons is to make an enduring positive impact on our customers, on our teammates, and on society at large. Every day, millions of people across the globe rely on Evernote to organize their lives. As such, Evernote is a perfect fit for the Bending Spoons portfolio, and we’re delighted to be able to serve its large and loyal customer base”, said Luca Ferrari, CEO and co-founder of Bending Spoons.

We are grateful to our customers and employees, and are excited to team-up with Bending Spoons. This strategic acquisition means that there will be extensive, accelerated improvements across our Teams, Professional, Personal, and Free offerings, which is fantastic news for lovers of Evernote everywhere”, added Ian Small, CEO of Evernote.

As usual, the transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to be completed in early 2023.

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