Deloitte looks for startups ready for the Digital Health market

Officine Innovazione's Health&BioTech Accelerator programme aims to foster open innovation in the Health and Life Science sectors

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Officine Innovazione, the Deloitte network company dedicated to technological innovation and specialised in biotechnology and healthcare, launched the fourth edition of the Health&BioTech Accelerator. The initiative starts with the Call4Startup, which marks the opening to applications from startups and scaleups. Until 7 June 2024, interested companies can apply as participants of the accelerator programme in the health and life science segment, by visiting the official site.

Health&BioTech Accelerator'a goal is to identify innovative solutions that can redefine the Health and Digital Health sectors, leveraging Italian excellence and integrating the best proposals on the international scene.

Health&BioTech Accelerator has so far involved over 2,500 startups in more than 40 countries, with a total of 950 actual participants. Over the course of the three editions, 15 pilot projects have been launched with as many startups and scaleups. 8 of them have formed strategic and commercial partnerships with major players in the hospital, pharmaceutical and insurance worlds.

Health&BioTech Accelerator aims to be the largest open innovation programme in Italy in the field of life sciences and health. The ambition of the project is not only to highlight new solutions, but also to facilitate the creation of strong and lasting alliances between startups and corporations. This is possible through the joint design and development of pilot projects with close cooperation between innovative startups/scaleups and big market players.

The programme roadmap is divided into strategic phases. The Call4Startup and the concomitant active and targeted scouting by the Deloitte team aim to explore the most promising proposals on the market. This is followed by the application selection phase, starting in June 2024, with the critical involvement of companies, research centres and financial partners.

The acceleration phase starts in July 2024, with the selected companies working on the development of pilot projects, which will then be presented at the Health&BioTech Summit 2024. This event will be the occasion for the official launch of the proposals in front of an audience of experts, institutions and the community interested in business innovation.

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