Mark Farrah Associates Presents Annual Market Share for Health Plans Nationwide

Mark Farrah Associates,, a leading provider of market data and intelligence solutions, provides a practical, low-cost tool for companies looking for a nationwide overview of the hea...

Autore: Business Wire

MCMURRAY, Pa.: Mark Farrah Associates,, a leading provider of market data and intelligence solutions, provides a practical, low-cost tool for companies looking for a nationwide overview of the health insurance industry, including market share and general financial data for health plans nationwide in Health Plans USA™. This online database gives you access to annual enrollment, revenue, and expenses for Commercial Risk, ASO, Medicare and Medicaid plans. Annual 2023 data is now available!

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About Mark Farrah Associates (MFA)

MFA is a leading data aggregator and publisher providing health plan market data and analysis tools for the healthcare industry. Committed to simplifying analysis of health insurance business, our products include: Health Coverage Portal™, Medicare Business Online™, Medicare Benefits Analyzer™, County Health Coverage™, Health Plans USA™ and 5500 Employer Health Plus. Follow us on LinkedIn!

Also, for the latest insights about health plan enrollment trends and financial performance, visit the FREE MFA Healthcare Business Strategy Briefs on the MFA website.

Fonte: Business Wire

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