Targa Telematics acquires Viasat Group, aiming to be the European leader in smart mobility and IoT

The Italian tech company strengthens its presence in Europe and broadens the range of innovative technologies

Autore: e. b.

Targa Telematics, the Italian tech company developing digital solutions in connected mobility, has signed an agreement for the acquisition of 100% share capital of Viasat Group.

Viasat Group represents Italian excellency in tech applied to automotive. Over the years, it has established itself as one of the European big players in supplying satellite info-telematics and IoT services and solutions for security and safety of people, vehicles and goods.

This operation will create a global player in the field of IoT and for the development of solutions and digital services for connected mobility, present in eight key European countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, the UK, Belgium, Poland, and Romania, plus a company in Chile.

"Viasat Group allows us to take an important step in terms of size, international reach and to expand our presence to key areas of the market. These are crucial elements to continue to strengthen our competitive positioning and to offer our clients a wide range of services in the smart mobility field for international projects,” said Nicola De Mattia, CEO at Targa Telematics.

This operation with Targa Telematics, an innovative tech-company and leader in the field, is an important acknowledgment of the value established over time and the growth perspectives of Viasat Group”, added Domenico Petrone, President and CEO at Viasat Group.

The operation is expected to close by the first semester of 2023.

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