Zucchetti North America is born

Zucchetti North America comes from the integration of Lodgical Solution and Vertical Booking

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Zucchetti North America – the North American outpost of the Italian-based Zucchetti Group – has been officially launched, integrating Lodgical Solution (formerly, Baylakes Information Systems) and, coming soon, Vertical Booking USA. This is the Italian company’s first move into the North American market.

Currently, Zucchetti North America's focus is offering solutions for the hospitality market but, in the future, the company will also expand to other industries, including HR, ERP, workforce management. To date, Zucchetti North America will be selling Vertical Booking’s suite of reservations solutions and Lodgical Solution PMS to hotels and other lodging providers across North America.

Zucchetti North America is based in Portland, Oregon. “It makes sense for us to launch our North American headquarters in a city that is such a hotbed for innovation: At Zucchetti, innovation is a key principle that we live by, as we provide hospitality companies with the most-up-to-date solutions available on the market,” said Enrico Itri, International COO at Zucchetti.

“We have brought high-quality solutions to the European market for years – Itri said – but we saw a gap in the North American marketplace, and we knew that Zucchetti North America would be able to fill it. As we launch Zucchetti North America, we are pleased that Vertical Booking USA and Lodgical Solution have good reputations and strong connections within the North American market, and we are excited that they our first companies to fall under the Zucchetti North America brand.”

“Both Vertical Booking USA and Lodgical Solution are excited for the opportunity to help make the Zucchetti name as well-known in North America, as it is in Europe and other parts of the world,” said Mark Lewis-Brown, CEO and President of Vertical Booking USA. “We recognise the immense benefits of our companies sharing resources and working together to cross-promote all of Zucchetti North America’s products, both to the hospitality market and others, as the company progresses.”

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