Europeans like technology, but it must help everyone

Europeans strongly support science and technology, according to new Eurobarometer survey. With some challenges.

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

A new Eurobarometer survey on European citizens' knowledge and attitudes towards science and technology released today shows that 9 in 10 EU citizens (86%) think that the overall influence of science and technology is positive. They expect a range of technologies currently under development to have a positive effect on our way of life in the next 20 years. Notably, solar energy (92%), vaccines and combatting infectious diseases (86%) and artificial intelligence (61%).

Furthermore, results reveal a high level of interest in science and technology (82%) and a desire amongst citizens to learn more about it in places like town halls, museums and libraries (54%). In many areas, EU citizens' interest in, expectations of, and engagement with science and technology have grown in recent years. Respondents most often mention health and medical care and the fight against climate change when asked in which areas research and innovation can make a difference. These results are in line with a growing interest in new medical discoveries, which grew from 82% to 86% since 2010.

The Eurobarometer survey also reveals challenges for research and innovation. Many EU citizens think that science and technology mostly helps improve the lives of those who are already better off (57%) and does not pay sufficient attention to differences between women's and men's needs (23%). More than half think that researchers in China (58%), the US (57%) and Japan (54%) are ahead of researchers in the EU in terms of making scientific discoveries. Levels of scientific knowledge also show wide divergences across different parts of society.

Most EU citizens (85%) believe that young people's interest in science is essential for future prosperity. Additionally, the majority thinks that involving non-scientists in research and innovation ensures that science and technology respond to the needs and values of society (61%). Almost three-quarters (72%) of respondents think that governments should ensure that new technologies benefit everyone, and more than three-quarters (79%) think that governments should make private companies tackle climate change.

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