Seven Italian organizations join a new IPCEI on Microelectronics

Italian Government allocates 450 million euros for new projects on digital and green transformation

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (formerly known as Ministry of Economic Development) allocated 450 million euros for Italian companies and research organizations selected for the second IPCEI on Microelectronics. This is an European project - technically, an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) - focused on digital and green transformation.

Last June, the European Commission approved this second IPCEI in the field of Microelectronics, jointly prepared and notified by fourteen Member States (including Italy). The IPCEI involves 68 projects from 56 companies, whose products could be commercialized as soon as 2025, even if the IPCEI will be completed much later, in 2032.

The 56 involved companies are categorized in almost 30 direct participants, who will closely cooperate through more than 180 envisaged cross-border collaborations, and other associated participants, who will form a broader ecosystem. Italian direct participants are MEMC, Menarini Silicon Biosystems, SIAE Microelettronica and ST Microelectronics. Associated Italian companies and organizations are CNR, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Optoi.Source: European Commission

The fourteen Member States whose companies are involved in the IPCEI will provide up to 8,1 billion euros in funding. A sum which is expected to unlock additional 13,7 billion euros in private investments. Around 8.700 direct jobs are expected to be created by the IPCEI, and many more indirect ones.

The project's overall objective is to enable the digital and green transformation creating innovative microelectronics and communication solutions and developing energy-efficient and resource-saving electronics systems and manufacturing methods. These new technologies and solutions will contribute to the technological advancement of many sectors, including communications (5G and 6G), autonomous driving, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. They will also support companies active in the energy generation, distribution and use in their green transition, the European Commission says.

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