Siav Group of Italy for the first time at Gitex in Dubai

The Enterprise Content Management company presents its international strategy along with the new Siav Connect platform and Checker app

Autore: e. b.

The Enterprise Content Management company Siav, based in Italy, is participating for the first time at Gitex Global, the technology event taking place this week in Dubai.

At Gitex, Siav Group is present at a booth in the Global Dev Slam section, a dynamic and innovative exhibition area dedicated to software development, where, together with its subsidiary Mitric, it presents its ecosystem of solutions, with a particular focus on the new Siav Connect platform and Checker solution.

Siav Connect is the new technology platform based on cloud microservices and artificial intelligence algorithms, with which to realize advanced solutions for content, data and process management. It is a next-generation architecture that embraces the latest international standards for software development, with a wealth of APIs and UI components to ensure maximum flexibility.

The platform is usable through leading national and international cloud providers also interconnected with each other in a multi-cloud logic, guaranteeing security, scalability and advanced monitoring, diagnostics and business analytics features, but also total absence of lock-in thanks to open technologies. It is also natively multi-tenant, ensuring complete data segregation and instance independence.

"With this participation, Siav is taking a decisive step toward its international growth. I worked for several years in the United Arab Emirates and this experience gave me a better understanding of the dynamics of a very interesting market that is growing rapidly and offers important opportunities. This is also why we are here today, to showcase our cutting-edge technology, the result of investments on the implementation of Artificial Intelligence, which we develop in-house, Natural Language Processing technology and other features”, comments Massimiliano Botta, General Manager of Siav.

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