Confirmo: a more sustainable digital signature

The startup has activated new “green” features to allow companies to measure their environmental impact based on the actual use of Conformo app

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Confirmo has empowered its app with a dashboard that, in real time, measures how much a company is helping to protect the environment using digital signatures. The new dashboard shows how much users are reducing C02 emissions, waste, water waste and felling of trees, based on the actual use of the app. The indicators are calculated through special collaborations with international bodies and can be used to achieve Corporate Social Responsibility objectives.

"Using electronic and digital documentation is one of the first things to do to move towards corporate sustainability. Today, in fact, the document flow is in most cases made of and pages of documents that are often not even read – explains Marco Cappellini, co-founder and CEO of Confirmo – Every sheet of paper has a cost for the company and an impact on the environment".

Confirmo is a startup born in 2019 from an idea by the founders Marco Cappellini and Stefano Rova. They developed an app that digitizes processes requiring legal signature. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the application allows you to offer users who must sign a document, all the information necessary so that they can understand it in a clear way, favoring greater transparency and legal protection. The Confirmo app can be used when requiring informed consent in the health sector or for the processing of personal data, and to sign contracts and documents in the banking and insurance sectors.

A close collaboration with the clinical research sector helped Confirmo to obtain, in less than 18 months since its establishment, ISO 9001 certification for process quality and 27001 for information security management. The app has also been certified as a class 1 medical device.

Confirmo is also following its own sustainability process. The company has managed to quantify its carbon footprint (the total carbon footprint produced by Confirmo over 12 months is equal to 4,636 kg of CO2), to define a strategy to reduce emissions and to neutralize non-reducible ones, financing certified environmental protection projects born with the aim of stimulating companies towards a positive impact on the environment and society.

The first green project supported by Confirmo is located in Brazil, in the State of Paranà: the FSCECP hydroelectric complex, that generates renewable energy by exploiting the power of the Jordão River. The energy produced replaces the use of fossil fuel normally used to meet the energy needs of the region. Using natural resources to generate energy, the project captures about 1,859,094 tons of CO2 and guarantees the local population 10,000 jobs, better wages and working conditions.

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