Esprinet gets a stronger presence in Spain

Esprinet Iberica will be merged with Vinzeo Technologies: the goal is to accelerate company’s growth in Spain

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Esprinet’s presence in Spain is going to get stronger. Esprinet Iberica, the holding company controlling Esprinet distribution business in Spain, will be merged with Vinzeo Technologies, already controlled by Esprinet itself. The operation, says Esprinet, is in line with the company’s evolution from a classical transactional distribution model towards a strategy more and more focused on value-added technologies.

The merger will be completed by next September. Until then, Vinzeo and Esprinet Iberica will still operate separately. Nothing will change, however, in Esprinet’s Spanish top management. José María García Sanz will still lead Esprinet Iberica, and Javier Bilbao-Goyoaga Barturen will lead V-Valley and Portuguese operations.

Integrating Vinzeo in Esprinet Iberica will allow Esprinet to optimize the commercial synergies developed by the two companies in the last years. And it will help Esprinet in gaining a better coverage of Spanish market, says the company.

Acquiring Vinzeo in 2016 helped us to get the leadership in Spanish market, extending our activities”, says Alessandro Cattani, CEO, Esprinet. Now the merger is “another evolutive step” to, at the same time, get “the flexibility and the operative efficiency we need to accelerate our growth” and to “increase our attention towards suppliers and customers, in a constant customer satisfaction perspective”.

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