Zucchetti Spain wins the 'Dirigentes Award For Business Excellence' 2021

The Spanish branch of the Italian software giant recognised as innovator in product development, customer service and people management

Autore: e. b.

On mid June 2022, at the CaixaForum Auditorium in Madrid, Zucchetti Spain received the 'Dirigentes Award for Business Excellence in the Innovation Category for the 2021 edition.

This prestigious award is assigned by the Editorial Committee of the Grupo Dirigentes, a top IT magazine that for over 30 years has been identifying the best Spanish companies standing out for management excellence and innovative character.

Specifically, Grupo Dirigentes recognised Zucchetti Spain, the Spanish branch of the software giant headquartered in Lodi, Italy, as one of the reference software producers at national level, highlighting three areas in particular: innovation in product development, customer service and people management.

"This award recognises the efforts made over time to research and develop the most innovative solutions to anticipate the future and help companies adapt to the changing needs of the market. It is a result of the commitment and passion of the people who make up the Zucchetti Spain team, which gives us new strength to continue working every day with enthusiasm and to innovate solutions and services", commented Justino Martinez, General Manager at Zucchetti Spain.

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