1000 Miglia and Matchplat: automated market analysis joins regularity races

Innovation based on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data from the startup Matchplat based in Bergamo, Italy enhances the ‘most beatiful race in the world’

Autore: Edoardo Bellocchi

An Italian classic since 1927, Mille Miglia, or 1000 Miglia, is considered by many “the most beatiful race in the world”. Often dubbed also as the “Freccia Rossa”, Red Arrow, today it is a three-day regularity race throughout Italy. The ability to innovate is one of the strengths of 1000 Miglia: an event that knows how to change edition after edition, without forgetting its past.

A striking example is the market analysis implemented during 2022 edition, held at the begininning of July. The partner chosen for the task is Matchplat, a startup founded five years ago and based in Bergamo, Italy, which has developed a platform designed to perform automated and tailor-made market analysis combining Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.

At Matchplat we are proud to have been partners of 1000 Miglia for its 2022 edition. Participating in the competition represented much more than a journey for us,” says Andrea Gilberti, CEO and President of Matchplat. “It was an opportunity to experience the most authentic beauty of our country, in a space where history and nature come together and the best of world engineering becomes the star".

Andrea Gilberti, CEO and President of Matchplat

This partnership proves 1000 Miglia‘s success in creating a richer and more international experience every year,” adds Gilberti. “And we at Matchplat are also motivated by the same spirit: we operate all over the world, combining Artificial Intelligence with a database of 400 million companies to help businesses in every industry find new customers, distributors, suppliers and partners thanks to automated market analysis.”

A mission bringing technology closer to all SMEs ready to revolutionise their strategies. And uniting Matchplat and the 1000 Miglia is the ability to bring innovation to two different worlds: on the one hand the business world, and on the other the realm of regularity racing for historic cars, of which this year’s Red Arrow was once again the most illustrious representative.

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