Fiven acquires a majority stake in Skill Factory to strenghtens its services in the training of Digital & IT professionals

Skill training, aimed at bridging the gap between supply and demand in the IT field, becomes increasingly essential in Fiven's growth strategies

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Fiven, the Italian company operating in artificial intelligence solutions and consulting, software testing and quality assurance services, has acquired a majority stake in Skill Factory, company based in Naples, Italy and operating in advanced IT training.

In the last two years, Fiven acquired Competence & Digital, a boutique design management firm based in Milan, Italy and a controlling stake in Allos, specialized in human capital management applications. These two acquisitions led to a further expansion of the company’s business and led to the recent change of name from Citel to Fiven, a mix between “future” and “driven”, to underline the company's drive for innovation.

Currently, Skill Factory's training and job programs are helping to bridge the gap between supply and demand that characterizes the IT industry in Italy. The acquisition of Skill Factory will allow Fiven to strengthen its offer of training services, which includes the corporate Academy launched by Fiven itself in September 2022. The goal is to double the number of people trained by Skill Factory to reach 400 new professionals per year, such as Java Full Stack Developers, DevOps, QualityAssurance Testers and SAP SuccessFactors Integration Consultants.

"The acquisition of Skill Factory is strategic for us, as it adds a key piece to our development path and accelerates our growth through highly qualified professional training. It is key that the business world supports the technical training of the new generations, creating a synergy with the real needs of the job market and helping to bridge the skills gap of our students" , says Valerio D'Angelo, CEO of Fiven.

"Having changed the way we do training by focusing on the Skill Factory model, which puts young people at the center of the professional growth process, enabling them to acquire all the skills needed to become true professionals in the world of Information Technology, has enabled us to create more than 3. 000 jobs in the last 10 years and to ensure that 80% of the young people who have participated in our training courses have been hired by IT companies”, adds Gino Visciano, CEO and Founder of Skill Factory.

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