Mexedia LAB AI, a research laboratory for CX vertical AIs

Italian group Mexedia launched a research lab for new AI applications improving the quality of digital customer interactions

Autore: By InnovationOpenLab

Today, Artificial Intelligence is seen as a crucial technology in improving the relationship between brands and customers, which has become increasingly articulated and complex, with a growing number of interaction channels and new user needs. Specifically, many tech companies believe that Artificial Intelligence models can enable higher levels of personalization and improve the quality of customer interactions.

Mexedia is among these companies and, to develop new AI-based applications and models for CX scenarios, recently started its LAB AI, a laboratory focused on the development of Artificial Intelligence models, also open to external developers and experts wishing to share their skills and ideas.

Mexedia is listed on the Euronext Growth Paris segment of the Paris Stock Exchange. Founded as a company operating internationally in the sale of electronic service termination business (voice and SMS), today it's on a strategic development process to present itself as a tech company specializing in advanced technology services. The goal is to offer companies seeking highly innovative solutions a wide range of Customer Experience, Business Automation and Business Intelligence services, simplifying the adoption and integration of AI models.Mexedia Board of DirectorsFonte: Mexedia

"We believe that the development of European AI models can open the door to many possibilities and that each model developed can represent an asset, reusable for that particular function," says Simone Mariano, CEO of Baasbox, the technology arm of Mexedia.

A collaboration to start

A first important collaboration for the development of LAB AI is with Simone Scardapane, Researcher at Sapienza University of Rome, where he teaches Neural Networks for Data Science Applications and Neural Networks. Under his supervision, LAB AI will become not only a reference point and beating heart of Mexedia's innovation, but also a place where the diverse expertise of developers, researchers, universities and companies from across Europe will converge.

More specifically, LAB AI wants to become an ever-growing library of specialized AIs, each designed for a specific task and easily deployable in Mexedia customers' systems. It's a modular approach which will achieve a significant reduction in costs and energy consumption in the medium-long term. Vertical AIs, designed to serve a very specific purpose, can greatly increase efficiency, Mexedia says.

The company will act as a bridge between supply and demand for AI technologies, delivering them to market. In the next future, LAB AI will work on conversational models able to provide information and content about an organization, dispatcher systems designed to capture user intent and redirect it in the most appropriate way, AIs dedicated to sentiment analysis.

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