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Instabase Takes AI Chatbots From Novelty to the Most Demanding Enterprise Use Cases

#chatbots--Instabase, a leading AI company, is excited to launch AI Hub Chatbots. Recent advancements in LLMs have led to many novelty chatbot products, but none are ready to meet the demanding requir...

Business Wire

Instabase AI Hub Chatbots boost operational efficiency and customer experience by transforming any unstructured knowledge into an interactive tool to get reliable insights.

SAN FRANCISCO: #chatbots--Instabase, a leading AI company, is excited to launch AI Hub Chatbots. Recent advancements in LLMs have led to many novelty chatbot products, but none are ready to meet the demanding requirements of the most sophisticated enterprises. AI Hub Chatbots address these challenges by enabling deployment in environments with the most stringent security requirements, supporting all unstructured knowledge (including scanned documents, handwriting, etc.), providing reliable insights using an agent framework to solve complex multi-step tasks like financial analysis, and allowing users to verify every answer with references to the source knowledge. AI Hub Chatbots are already being deployed to solve important knowledge access scenarios, including in an air-gapped environment for a US government agency.

In today’s fast-paced business climate, the ability to quickly and accurately retrieve information from enterprise & government data is crucial. For example, both customers and support representatives need to dig through archives of product documentation to trouble shoot issues. Or, back-office workers across financial services and insurance need to navigate lengthy policy guidelines to make loan and insurance decisions. As organizations grow, the complexity and volume of their knowledge bases often lead to inefficiencies. In conversations with customers, Instabase found that knowledge retrieval continues to be a critical problem, even with recent LLM technologies. This leads to customer dissatisfaction and impacts operational efficiency - ultimately reducing profitability.

How AI Hub Chatbots are different

Customers repeatedly find that novelty chatbot products are not able to process all unstructured data, only answer very basic questions, either do not provide references or provide them just at a high-level, or require usage in untrusted environments. While this might work for simple scenarios, the most important enterprise and government knowledge access scenarios require a more sophisticated solution.

Instabase AI Hub chatbots enables the most demanding knowledge access scenarios by:

  • Deployment anywhere: AI Hub chatbots can quickly be shared using various techniques ranging from links anyone can access for community users, in your secure SaaS environment, or even in air gapped on-prem deployments using Instabase’s self-hosted InstaLLM model.
  • Understanding all data: AI Hub can digitize, parse, and understand any unstructured data. You can simply access your digital PDFs, pictures of handwritten notices, complex tables and forms, or even websites to configure a chatbot in minutes.
  • Fine-grained references: AI Hub gives token-level references with confidence scores which allow you to verify responses with your source documents.
  • Multi-step queries: AI Hub’s agent framework techniques allow chatbots to provide reliable insights backed by multi-step tasks like searching for information, extracting complex objects like tables and lists, using a calculator, critiquing its own answer, and recursively improving responses when they are incomplete.
  • Our journey with AI Hub has shown us the immense value of knowledge access. Yet, we repeatedly see that business leads struggle to empower their teams to find insights in unstructured content. With AI Hub Chatbots, business leads can now instantly configure a chatbot on their knowledge base and share it securely with their teams or customers, providing immediate and reliable insights,” said Anant Bhardwaj, CEO and founder of Instabase.


    Instabase Chatbots are now available through both commercial (paid) and community (freemium) offerings. They can be shared internally within an organization or externally via a public link. Future updates will include API integrations, allowing enterprises to incorporate chatbots into their customer-facing products.

    For commercial users, chatbots can be seamlessly distributed within their organization, enabling colleagues to access them on Instabase AI Hub. Community users can share a public link, making the chatbot accessible by anyone. On enterprise plans, chatbots can be deployed in self-hosted single tenant environments too.

    Discover the power of Instabase Chatbots today. Instant, accurate insights are just a question away.

    For more information and to get started, visit https://instabase.com.

    About Instabase

    Instabase provides a unified platform with artificial intelligence (AI) and workflow automation capabilities that allow organizations to solve their most pressing business challenges at scale. Instabase combines AI breakthroughs with deep industry expertise, and helps institutions embed intelligence into any system or business process to drive transformational outcomes. Today, many of the world’s largest financial institutions, insurance companies, governments, and enterprises rely on Instabase to automate their mission-critical business processes end-to-end. The business is backed by leading investors, such as Greylock Partners, NEA, Andreessen Horowitz, Index Ventures, Spark Capital, Tribe Capital, K5, Original Capital, SC Ventures, and Glynn Capital.

    For more information, visit https://instabase.com.

    Fonte: Business Wire

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